Organic Cotton Muslin Flats - 6 Pack - Petite Crown

Organic Cotton Muslin Flats - 6 Pack

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Natural fiber

Made of 100% unbleached organic cotton


    • The easiest, most simple diaper. You will experience the least trouble with flats trying to figure out a wash routine.
    • Higher GSM than most cotton muslin flats on the market.
    • Try different folds to customize absorbency
    • Makes great inserts for covers and pocket diapers
    • Multiple uses beyond cloth diapering - burp cloth, cleaning rags, sensory lovey blankets, changing mats, bibs...


    Measures 32"x32" before washing (Expect up to 10% shrinkage)

      How to Prep

      Wash on hot a few times. Tumble dry low or line dry.


      Prewash warm (110-90 F/43-32 C). Wash hot (130F/55C). Do not use bleach or softeners. Tumble dry LOW (not exceeding 130F/55C) or line dry. Following the proper care instructions helps prolong the life of the product.


      100% organic cotton

      Additional Information

      • CPSIA compliant
      • Made in Pakistan

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