Works great with Petite Crown prefolds and flats!
- OVER 80 MILLION UNITS SOLD: Crazy number? Yep. Made up? Nope. Over 80 million Snappi Fasteners have been sold for prefold and flat cloth diapers. We have been around for a long time, and there’s a reason for that.
- BETTER THAN PINS: Nobody likes putting sharp diaper pins near their baby. Also, they’re just plain ugly. Snappi nappy clips give your baby some style and are 100% safe. No more steel diaper pins, cloth pins, or safety pins.
- HOW DO I USE SNAPPIS: We knew you were going to ask this, because we have telepathy. Snappi diaper cloth diaper clips can be used with prefold and flatfold cloth diapers. Many of our customers like using these with Osocozy prefolds. Look at our above pictures, also.
- THE CLOTH DIAPER OASIS: Moms love our product and have been raving about it for years. We guess that parents hate hooking a safety pin onto their little ones. We aim to make cloth diapering fun, stylish, and cute. Cloth diapers can be a pain, and we aim to be your oasis.